
Study Girls show True Grit at Nationals



IAPS National Netball Tournament

On Saturday 12th March the Year 6A netball team travelled to Roedean School in Brighton after qualifying for the Nationals with 2nd place at the Regionals.

It was an extremely tough group so the girls knew they had to go out fighting straight away.  Their first game was against Hall Grove, and demonstrated excellent team work finishing the game with a win 6-3.  Our second game was against Kings Hawford, the girls worked extremely hard making vital interceptions resulting in us winning the game 6-4.  Our third game was against Winterfold, the girls were on form and their shooting was excellent. The final score was 7-2 to The Study.  The next match was against Hoebridge, and the girls knew this was going to be a tough match.  They did extremely well passing the ball well down the court but Hoebridge made it very difficult for them to shoot. We lost the game 8-4.  The fourth match was against Dumpton, the girls girls dug deep and played some excellent netball winning the match 12-3.  Next they came up against Newland House, who had won all their matches so far so this was going to be a vital game.  The girls’ determination was impressive.  Both teams showed excellent attacking and defending skills making it difficult for both teams to score.  The final score was 3-3.   The girls won the next match against St Piran’s 6-3.  The last game against St Hilary’s was the deciding game to see if they girls were through to the quarter finals.  The girls so wanted to get through and throughout the game they made excellent interceptions and scored some excellent goals.  We won 5-3. We were through to the quarter finals at the Nationals!

Next the girls were up against Guildford High, and we are so proud of how the girls played in this game, some of their best playing ever.  Excellent shooting,  defending and attacking skills made it very challenging for Guildford High although they were playing equally well.  It was goal for goal at the final whistle which meant it came down to a golden goal.  Unfortunately it was not our day and Guildford High went on to score the winning goal.  

Mrs Marchant says:

“Although we lost the quarter final game, I am so proud of our girls, each and every one of them played the best netball they have ever played. Their commitment and positive attitude throughout the tournament has been a pleasure to see and they should be very proud of themselves. They are in the top 8 teams in the Country!!!! What an achievement.”


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