Our aim is to provide a warm, open and happy space for learning at The Study. We have a whole school approach to wellbeing and this relies on everyone – staff, parents and pupils alike – working together and supporting each other.
There are many ways wellbeing is woven into school life, from nutritious lunches to provide sustenance and support wellbeing to the importance placed on having time to play and the friendship benches in both playgrounds. We strive to see the whole child when supporting their wellbeing; looking at life at home and school, extra curricular activities and relationships in the wider community.
We have a School Council to give pupils a voice, we teach the children to use the internet safely and responsibly, and we make sure transitions within the school are centred first and foremost around the pupils’ wellbeing.
Form Teachers… our wellbeing superheroes
Form teachers play a key role in ensuring the wellbeing, happiness and academic welfare of each pupil in their class.
Our form teachers are exceptional in their ability to recognise individual needs and the school prides itself on the open line of communication that exists between form teachers and parents.
All staff play their part and the girls know they can turn to any teacher if they have a problem or are feeling unhappy. Alongside this, the girls are also encouraged to look out for each other as they go about their day.
Values-based education
In addition to promoting our four school values – compassion, curiosity, creativity and courage – we focus on a different value each half-term. This could be, for example: respect, friendship, love, trust, responsibility or kindness.
We create a range of opportunities, both in lessons and during assemblies, to reflect on the value in question.
An important part of the success of this programme is ensuring we keep parents informed about the values we’re focusing on. In doing this, girls can be encouraged to share what they’ve been learning and explore the same values at home.
The PSHE Curriculum
All year groups have a weekly Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) lesson. These lessons are central to our wellbeing support, developing the girls’ listening skills and their confidence to talk about their own, and others’, feelings.
We cover topics including healthy bodies, understanding yourself and celebrating difference. Once a term the girls have a lesson based on a particular topic from EQPrep’s social and emotional learning curriculum, such as managing anxiety in the moment and healthy relationship to self.
We are always striving to find creative ways to bring learning about wellbeing into school life, whether that’s yoga and mindfulness sessions, heading outdoors for an art class, reflecting upon the benefits of meditation in RE, or getting physically active in games.
EQPrep at The Study
EQPrep at The Study is our unique mental health and wellbeing provision, which weaves through our PSHE and values-based education, and supplements how we deliver our mental health curriculum.
The dedicated programme offers a whole-school approach to developing emotional intelligence and puts mental wellbeing at the heart of school life – and the curriculum – for pupils, parents and staff.
We believe that problems, however big or small, are best addressed when they first arise and that social and emotional learning scaffolds a child’s academic success.
Parent talks
Our wellbeing learning isn’t limited to pupils. A number of face-to-face and virtual parent talks are held throughout the year, focusing on a range of wellbeing topics, from managing anxiety and talking to children about death to nutrition and talking about the news.