Leadership and management and governance

Governors and leaders collaborate effectively to provide pupils with a stimulating and exciting environment which is also happy and secure. Leaders promote the school’s aims through the school’s four core values of “courage”, “compassion”, “curiosity” and “creativity”, which permeate throughout.

Read the highlights of the report here

“The school provides parents with an extensive range of information about the progress of their child.”

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), 2024
Girls at The Study in a lesson with i-pad's

Education, Training and recreation

The key findings, when looking at the quality and depth of teaching and learning, and the extent of the co-curricular provision, were:

  • Pupils benefit from a comprehensive and diverse curriculum and effective teaching that develops a love of knowledge
  • Pupils demonstrate a high level of competence in reading.  They are highly articulate which is reflected through their written work across the curriculum
  • Pupils are confident and competent in the application of their numeracy skills through an emphasis on complex problem-solving
  • Staff become knowledgeable about the children through the positive relationships they create
  • Well-planned activities give children opportunities for child-initiated learning that develp their independence
  • Pupils actively engage in the creative arts and develop their self-confidence through the extensive opportunities provided to perform.  Pupils achieve a high level of success in external music examinations and scholarships to senior schools.
Pupil at The Study in Reception's outdoor learning space

Wellbeing findings

The key findings, when looking at the pupils’ physical and mental and emotional wellbeing:

  • Leaders ensure that the wellbeing of the pupils is prioritised through a wide range of effective pastoral support mechanisms such as friendship support groups, access to counsellors, different types of therapy, and the school’s own emotional support programme.
  • The warm and positive relationships displayed between pupils and staff create an environment where pupils can take risks in their learning culminating in a “can-do” attitude
  • Teachers create a safe learning environment where pupils are encouraged to take risks in the different challenges posed which develops resilience and quiet self-belief
  • Pupils show a positive mutual respect towards each other

“Leaders implement a diverse curriculum to promote pupils' economical understanding which prepares them well for life in British society.”

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), June 2024

“Older pupils are well prepared for transition to senior schools of their choice. They are well supported in their preparation for entrance examinations through practice interviews and different types of examination.”

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), June 2024

“Leaders promote the school's aims through the school's four core values of "courage", "compassion", "curiosity", and "creativity, which permeate throughout.”

Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), June 2024

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