When should I apply for my daughter's school place?

Year of entry to ReceptionRegistration for
guaranteed offer
Registration for
the ballot
202330 April 202230 November 2022
202430 April 202330 November 2023
202530 April 202430 November 2024

Find out more about our admissions process 

Will my daughter have to pass an exam to get a place at The Study?

The Study is proudly non-selective at Reception.

It’s our firm belief that every child has potential and we’re hugely experienced in taking girls at every level and supporting them to thrive.

For Reception entry, we’re pleased to be able to guarantee an offer of a place if your daughter’s completed registration is received by 30 April, in the year preceding the September of entry. Should we find ourselves oversubscribed and our maximum numbers reached, a ballot will be run with regards to remaining places.

Guaranteed offers will be issued in May. Parents can then accept or decline our offer. Offers beyond May will be treated in date order or receipt of registration.

For non-Reception entry, providing a place is available, your daughter will be invited into school for an informal assessment. This helps us to gauge how she will fit academically in the year group and where to pitch her initial learning, prior to any offer being made, and ensures, should your daughter join us, we can help her to develop.

Find out more about our admissions process

Can I delay my summer born child’s entry into Reception?

All children develop at different rates and we understand summer born children can occasionally struggle in a class where their peers may be up to a year older than them.

In our experience, however, this is rarely the case. We have summer born children in every year group, many who exceed the expectations of their cohort. Our high staff to pupil ratio and expert teaching team mean we can tailor our approach to ensure each and every child gets the right levels of support for them.

We’re happy to discuss any concerns about a summer born child’s development with parents to ensure we meet their individual needs.

Please speak to our Head of Admissions, Annemarie McCarthy, if you would like to discuss this further admissions@thestudyprep.co.uk

Do you offer Wraparound Care?

Absolutely. Study staff offer both morning and after-school care in the familiar school environment, to help families manage their busy schedules and ensure parents’ days are a bit less stressful.

Our flexible Breakfast Club is available daily at Wilberforce House from 07:30, where the girls are offered a light, healthy breakfast.

After-School Care is available Monday to Thursday, beginning at the end of the school day (either 15:15 or 15:30) and running until 17:00 or 18:00, to give you optimum flexibility. A light tea and drink are provided.

Find out more about our wraparound care

What’s included in the termly fees?

Our termly school fees include all the things your daughter will need during the core hours of the school day, from teaching and learning resources to basic stationery and transport when representing the school (for example in sports matches).

Lunch and the cost of extra-curricular activities including clubs, trips, peripatetic lessons and wraparound care are not included in the termly school fees.

Find out more about our fees

How will you help my daughter settle into school life?

We know the early days at school can be stressful for parents and unsettling for some children, so our aim is to make your daughter’s transition to school life as smooth as possible.

We’ll keep in close contact with you in the lead up to your daughter joining the school. In the Summer Term before she joins The Study, we will invite you to a new Reception Parents’ Social and Information event, where you’ll meet class teachers, teaching assistants, senior staff and members of The Study Association.

Following this, we’ll invite your daughter to join us for a Stay and Play session, where she will meet her teacher, teaching assistant and other girls in her class. You’ll also receive a welcome pack.

The first few days of the Autumn Term will be half day sessions. We find this helps with the transition and allows the girls to become familiar with their new surroundings.

During any transition period, it’s crucial that children are able to talk about their worries, so we are constantly on the lookout for any signs that a child might be struggling. This approach continues throughout the school and, each year, the girls take part in Moving Up sessions where they get to spend time in their new classroom with their new teacher.

Do siblings automatically get a place?

Yes, provided a place is available and the admissions process and relevant deadlines have been met.

Do you offer a sibling discount?

Yes, we offer a 10% discount where three or more children attend the school.

Where next?