
Netball Roundup



A Busy Time for our Netball Teams!

Our girls have had lots of opportunity to show their skills and have fun on the netball courts over the last week.  Here is a roundup of the action:

Last Thursday 26 November, our Year 5A team did The Study proud with an excellent performance of skill and teamwork at the Small Schools Tournament at Wimbledon High.  Against tough competition from ten schools, our girls won the day when it came down to goal difference. Our girls triumphed and here are some excerpts from the girls’ accounts of this fantastic win:

“We played ten games overall. We won seven, drew two and lost one. We won the tournament overall and got a shiny gold medal each. We were very happy to win a medal together as a team. This was our first medal and we hope there are many more to come! It was my birthday and Ms D was telling the team that if we got a medal it would be a great birthday present, it was! The most important thing is that we had fun! We came out in the end with big smiles on our faces. That’s our wonderful story of the Small Schools Netball Tournament.”

By Olivia Brown van Nassau

“On Thursday we went to a netball tournament at Wimbledon High. We played ten matches overall with two breaks. I think our hardest match was against Wimbledon High, mainly because their team was really tall. Most of our matches we won, which made us all really happy. When they announced at the end that Holy Cross was second, Ms D’s jaw literally dropped and everyone was full of excitement.  We were shoving our gold medals in Ms D’s face and we were all singing ‘We are the Champions’ walking up the road and Daisy walked into a bus stop!  It turned into a great day.”

By Mikaya Amarasuriya

On Friday 27 November the Year 3’s had a great time at a coaching match with Holy Cross.  Playing with friends and meeting girls from other schools is always fun, and the Year 3 group enjoyed their time.

On Tuesday 1 December, the Year 6 teams played against Putney High.  The girls played exceptionally well and the A Team won with an astounding score of 19-3.  Well done girls and in particular to players of the match, Linnea B and Katarina O.  The B and C team showed great teamwork and enthusiasm and the D team won 4-0.  A great effort from everyone!

On Wednesday 2 December our talented Year 4 netballers took on Putney High again, this time at Beverley Meads.  We saw great skills and teamwork from our girls and all our teams won.  Excellent results and well done to all the girls for training hard to hone their skills.


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