Once again, the creative girls at The Study have won national glory at the 2015 ISA National Art Competition recently. Pieces that had won awards at the regional round last month were up for judging at this prestigious event. First Places went to our Year 3 Picasso T-shirts and the grouping of animal puppets from the Far and Wide performance. Zara’s beautiful drawing entitled “Girl Flying Kite”, got a Runners Up award, after winning First Place for Drawing in the Regionals. Very well done!
1st Place KS 2 3D Group – Animal Puppets – Elena Gillick, Amelia Larkins, Clara Spenner, Maria Pavin
1st Place Fashion – Picasso T-shirts – Jessica Brinkworth, Ella Ianotti, Nicola Pohlen Schachtschabel, Annabel Snoek, Year 3
Runner up KS1 Drawing – Zara Davies Year 1