On Friday 22 March, an event of remembrance was held at Spencer House to celebrate the lives of Nuria and Selena lost in the car incident at the school on 6 July last year.
This was a very special, moving occasion, attended by parents and pupils from the year group directly affected, as well as staff and governors. There was a photo slide show and words from the Head. A beautiful poem was read and a tree of remembrance planted. The memory of Nuria and Selena, taken from us so young, will live on in the hearts of so many friends and teachers as well as our whole school community.
The shock of the car incident has captured the attention of many in the wider community as well as having a major effect on everyone at, or associated with, the school. Once again, we must pay tribute to the work of the emergency services on that terrible day.
The school continues diligently in its support of its pupils, teachers and parents. We remain hopeful that answers to the many questions surrounding the tragedy will be forthcoming in the near future.